Definitions about Stucco


molding mold|ing
1 arch. woodwork, decorative strip. A strip of wood or some other material that is used to decorate or finish a surface of a wall or a piece of furniture
2 something made in a hold, something that is produced using a mold

overhanging over|hang|ing
pr. past. overhang
1 something that projects out over the space beneath

hellenistic hel|le|nis|tic
1 of Ancient greek, civilization characteristic of or concerned with ancient Greek civilization from the late 4th to 1st centuries B.C.
2 of Greeks, characteristic of or associated with the Greek
3 preferring Greek culture, entusiastic for or adopting ancient Greek culture or costume

ellenism el|le|nism
1 ancient Greek culture, the culture civilization of ancient Greece, especially in the period after Alexander the Great whe it spread to other part of the Mediterranean and Middle East and North Africa
2 admiration for ancient Greek culture, the enthusiasm for or adoption of ancient Greek culture or customs
3 Greek characteristic, a Greek custom or idiom
4 Greek nationa character, the national character of the Greek

hypogeum hy|po|ge|um
1 an undergroun room or space in an ancient building, or an ancient underground buried chamber

liberty li|ber|ty
n. art. italian expression for nuveau art.
adj. related to this style or reminding it.

pozzolana poz|zo|là|na
n. a porous volcanic ash that when mixed with cement hardens either in air or under water.

polychromy po|ly|chro|my
1 n. multeplicity, variety of colors producing a special optical and decorative effect
2 art. technique for decorating design works and sculptures with different colors properly fitting

early Christian ear|ly|chri|stian
1 hyst., related to christianism first centuries, to culture and civilization developed during the period from origin to VIth century, in the area involved with this religion
2 art., Christian religion inspiration artwork, characterized by classic tradition influence and Roman empire regional culture influence

ciborium ci|bò|rium
(plural -a)
1 altar canopy, a canpoy that stands on four pillars over the altar in some christian churches
2 holy wafer box, a small container with a lid, used to hold the consecrated wafers for Holy Communion.

overhang over|hang
1 projection, something, e.g. part of a rock face or the edge of a roof, that projects out over the space beneath
2 extent of projection, the degree or amount by which something projects or extends over something
3 half difference in wingspan, half the difference in the span of the two wings of a biplane
4 distance to wing end on monoplane, the distance from the last outer strut to the end of a monoplane's wing