Stucco technique
Evolution of the word 'Technique'
This word 'Technique' coming from classic Greece was meaning art, knowledge, know-how, dexterity, and indicated the ability to reach a certain result knowing to use the necessary means. It was the crafts man like ability: to use certain tools in a certain way to accomplish a result.
Master stucco decorator ability consisted to 'bring afloat' the presetting innate to the matter with his manual skill.
Nowadays the term 'technique' took over a more precise and limited meaning. It means the usage of scientific knowledge in order to achieve a practical result.
This is the contemporary meaning of the word 'technique' and in it mostly lies the meaning of modern industrial revolution, with all the cultural implication which it means.
Development of modern technique as one of the aspects of scientific research, actually erased a romantic character: the inventor who determinated for centuries technical progress for humanity.